Team Reconfigured to Best Serve Clients

May 30, 2019

We wanted to inform you, in as few words as possible, of some staffing shifts within our team here at Worrell Land Services and how we anticipate those shifts will benefit you.

Last summer, Paige Hume earned her Real Estate license. Until recently, she was able to balance her role as a Realtor with her position as our Administrative Assistant. However, as she’s been growing increasingly successful with real estate, she notified us that she desires to focus exclusively on real estate. We’re grateful for Paige’s faithful service in the Administrative Assistant role for over four years. We’ve been impressed with how quickly she’s taken to residential real estate and are excited to see her continue to grow her Realtor career.

We didn’t simply want to backfill Paige’s position without first using the vacancy as an opportunity to take a look at our structure, identify if processes could be streamlined by shifting responsibilities around a bit, and if each of our three business segments (Farm Management, Real Estate, Land Appraisals) are receiving the highest level of support and attention. In the process of asking those questions, we’ve identified some structural changes that will allow us to best serve our clients and fully leverage everyone’s skillsets to their greatest potential.

Cindy Holloway, Business Manager, has been a key member of our team for nearly 18 years. In that time, she’s proven herself highly capable of handling a variety of projects. She knows the ins and outs of many of the complicated details that come through this office. She’s great with details and solving problems, and her ag background is exceedingly valuable. Therefore, we are now positioning Cindy to serve as the right-hand-man with Farm Management. She will leverage her giftedness with details, deadlines and agriculture to help us best serve our farm management clients and operators.

By shifting more Farm Management responsibilities to Cindy, our new Administrative Assistant will serve as dedicated support for the Appraisal segment of the business. We are thrilled to have found a high-caliber person to serve on the frontlines for the company, as well as the support person to drive the Appraisal segment. Her name is Katie Walter and she has been training with us since the beginning of May. She comes to us from Bound to Stay Bound where she worked for 13 years as a Customer Service Representative. In her 13 years there, Katie was tasked with more and more responsibilities, and most recently supported the company’s largest customer region in the nation. Katie has already proven herself to be a quick learner, and a strong contributor.

It’s important to us that we deliver personalized, top-notch service across all business segments. We feel our team and organizational structure is as strong as ever. Thank you for the privilege of working together now and, hopefully, long into the future.

Luke & Allison Worrell