WLS Working Remotely until Further Notice

March 21, 2020

Update as of 3/21/20: Given yesterday’s “stay at home” order from Governor Pritzker, Worrell Land Services team members will work from home until further notice. Luke Worrell will be the only one working from the WLS office. To reach anyone on our team, either call their direct cell phone number, or the office number (217.245.1618). Incoming calls to the office line will be received by voice mail between the hours of 8:00AM-4:00PM Central, and forwarded to the appropriate person for follow-up.

Real estate, appraisals and agriculture are considered “essential services” that may continue. We are blessed to have this opportunity to find creative ways to continue to serve our clients at this time!


Original letter sent from Luke Worrell to our farm management clients and operators on March 19, 2020:

We are obviously living in an interesting season in our nation’s, and our world’s, history. Each day seems to bring new news, none of which is crystal clear, so by the time you receive this, who knows what will be the latest. One thing we know for certain, God remains in control and desires for each of us to cast our anxieties on Him now and always.

As it relates to the upcoming cropping year, at this time, we do not foresee COVID-19 hindering the ability to get a crop in the ground. Central Illinois is quite wet at the moment, and weather is always a factor, so planting is always tricky to predict. We shall see how the next few weeks go.

The impact of this worldwide issue on the profitability of this year’s crop remains unknown. We remain hopeful the markets will rally sooner than later. To further assist with this year’s grain marketing, I am seeking counsel and wisdom from additional grain marketing experts to ensure we do the best job we can on behalf of our clients.

Our work continues on, but our office is currently closed for visitors. We have offered our team the option to work from home, but to date, everyone has elected to work from the office until it is deemed necessary to work remotely. The layout of our office space allows us to implement recommended social distancing practices, even when we are all there. We have contingency plans in place in the event our team does begin to work remotely. The beauty of technology is that few of our operations and services will experience much disruption, if any, if our team works from home. I will continue to work from the Worrell Land Services office even if the rest of our team works from home, unless there comes a point that everyone is required by law to stay home entirely.

If you need to drop off paperwork, please call ahead to 217.245.1618 to notify us of its placement in the drop-box located at the back door of our office.

We enjoy seeing your faces, but do appreciate your understanding in our decision to close to visitors. We encourage you to stay safe and practice impeccable hygiene during this outbreak. Like you, we are eagerly awaiting life to get back to “normal.” If you have any questions, please call our office at 217.245.1618, my cell at 217.473.7039 or email me at LukeW@Worrell-LandServices.com.


Luke Worrell