Emerging Corn Crop!

June 6, 2019

Seeing a corn crop emerging from the ground was an uncertainty just a couple short weeks ago. We’re thanking God for a few dry days earlier this week, and for the determination of farmers who have been working tirelessly, that has allowed 98% of the farms we have the privilege of managing to be planted to corn (as of 6/5/19)! We are hopeful for the remaining farms. Bean planting is underway for many in the area, and we pray favorable weather will prevail.

The challenges facing this year’s crop don’t go away after the seed is in the ground. It will be a trying growing season, for certain. Many of you look to us to have an active voice in agriculture, and we know we should have been commenting on our online platforms before now. But, it has been difficult to even put into words what this spring means for farmers, landowners, and the entire ag economy. Our radio silence is simply an indication of how unprecedented #plant19 has been.